Kuwait Heritage 2

The Banquet

The guests got their dinner or supper at such banquet. The food usually consisted of rice, meat and other things.

In the Morning

The painting views the ways of the people in the past at sun rise. You can see the builder, the water carrier, the crowd at the bakery, the woman-seller of the Bajilla (horse-beans) who sat with her pot near the minaret of the mosque.

The Year of Rations

During World War II, the government assigned in every district shops to sell rice, tea, sugar, flour and cloth to the people at a low price. The painting shows a shop at Mubarak arena where the clerk's name was Badir Al-Mudeer and the weighter was Abduljadir Bu Yaseen.

Dayrufat Al-Fireej (the seesaw at the district)

In most districts, some people set up their seesaws in the week of the lesser Bairam. The small boys and small girls enjoy them and sang the songs which expressed their happiness and enjoyment

Yakhoor Al-Shawi (The Stable of the shepherd)

In the past the people entrusted their sheep to a shepherd who received them in the morning and went to the nearby pastures for grazing and brought them back to their owners in the evening.

Having Bashtakhta (Gramophone)

In the 1930s and 1940s, some people who were fond of music had or rented a gramophone with its records. They listened to different songs which were dominant at that time. They invited their relatives and neighbours to listen to them together. They learned those songs by heart and reiterated them in their daily life for enjoyment and entertainment.

Al Dakhtar Al-Sharji (The Eastern Clinic) 2

It was a centre for free medical treatment similar to a clinic. It had a British doctor who was sent by his government to treat the people of Kuwait. Its last location was to the north of Sabah Al-Nasser masgaf

Al-Mihassin (the Barber)

It is the old barber with his primitive yet strange fan seen here suspended from the ceiling.

The House of Umm (mother) Al-Sheikh It was a famous house in the area, next to the mosque of Ibn Hamdan (currently the stock market) where the late Sheikh Abdullah al-Khalifa Al-Sabah and his family dwelt in